Asked Questions

What funding does the Alice Tweed Tuohy Foundation support?

Capital improvement projects for youth, education, health, community, recreation and the arts.  Learn more here.

  • Renovation/construction of buildings and facilities
  • Infrastructure upgrades, such as roads, parking lots, and utilities
  • Acquisition of major equipment or machinery
  • Landscaping and beautification projects
  • Technology upgrades or installations
  • Restoration or preservation of historical landmarks
  • Installation of energy-efficient systems
  • Development of recreational areas or parks
  • Vans or other transportation vehicles
  • Installation of safety or security features
  • Staff salaries or benefits
  • Endowments
  • Operational expenses
  • Temporary improvements or decorations
  • Day-to-day administrative costs
  • Training programs or workshops
  • Marketing or promotional campaigns
  • Software or subscription renewals
  • Travel or conference expenses
  • Vehicle maintenance or fuel costs

Do we need to be invited to apply for funding? 

No. But before starting your application, you’ll answer threshold eligibility questions to confirm your organization, and its request, qualifies for a grant.

How do we apply for funding? 

After reviewing our Before You Apply page, click the ‘Sign In/Apply’ button at the top right of our website. New users will be prompted to create a login, while returning grantees can use this button to access their portal for a new grant cycle.

Do you require a preliminary Letter of Interest? 


What is the deadline to submit an application?

Our application period begins July 1st and ends at midnight September 15th. Please see our Grant Timeline for other important dates.

What are the requirements once my organization receives a grant? 

After you’ve been notified of your grant award, you’ll be asked to return our online Grant Agreement, provide a Receipt that you’ve received our funds, and give us an Impact Report reflecting the use and success of your award toward your intended outcome. 

My organization received a grant last year, can we still apply? 

Yes, please re-apply! The Alice Tweed Tuohy Foundation is a long-standing supporter of many wonderful nonprofits year after year, who have proven to be our partners for lasting, impactful improvements in our community.

Does the Foundation grant outside of the capital improvements category?

No, except for our funding of college scholarships for students chosen by the Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara. Learn more here.

What is the Foundation’s typical funding range? 

We fund projects ranging from $10,000-$100,000, with an average annual grant of around $40,000.  For large capital projects, we’ve made multi-year grants totalling up to $1 million.

What if the construction of my project is delayed for permitting or contractor reasons?

We’re long-term residents and know about permit and contractor delays.  Please keep us updated by email—we may be able to transfer the funding to the following year when construction begins. 

We submitted an application but need to make changes, how do we do this?

Please email us and describe the changes you need.